BlogSleepHealthy Foods Your Child May Enjoy

Healthy Foods Your Child May Enjoy

healthy foods for your child

We all know it’s better to feed kids healthy foods and vegetables instead of ice cream and chips, but it can be really difficult when your kid is picky. Force-feeding them food they don’t like will never give them a good association with healthy foods, so it’s best to fix foods they may enjoy.

3 Healthy Foods your child may enjoy

  1. Yogurt. Yogurt is a wonderful meal for all times of the day. However, you do need to keep an eye on the sugar content. This food offers protein, vitamin D, and other nutrients your child may lack in their diet. Yogurt also delivers probiotics and good bacteria necessary for maintaining a healthy gut. To add flavor to the yogurt, you can add fruits and whole-grain cereal on top.
  2. Fruit Smoothie. Another quality meal for children is a fruit smoothie. A fruit smoothie is a great way to fill gaps in your child’s diet because you can add vitamins and minerals to the smoothie while masking their taste with fruit. You can also add veggies. It’s important to always use fresh, whole ingredients rather than juices because juices are high in sugar.
  3. Nuts. Finally, to keep the child full between meals, they can snack on nuts. Nuts have a unique flavor, perfect crunch, and plenty of healthy fats. If your child has a sweet tooth, you can add the nuts to a trail mix with raisins and chocolate chips to give them a filling and satisfying snack.

It can be difficult to ensure your child gets all the nutrients they need, especially if they’re a picky eater. These three foods are full of vitamins and minerals while tasting good, so you can sleep easy at night knowing that your kid is eating a balanced diet.