Should You Learn the Gender of your Baby Before Birth?

Finding out the sex of your baby seems to be the going trend right now. More than 80% of future parents find out what the sex of the baby is, but it is becoming more popular to keep it a secret until birth. There are pros and cons to knowing the sex of your baby before it is born, but ultimately it’s a personal choice.
Should you learn the gender of your baby before birth?
The major reason against finding out the fetal sex is to prevent sexual stereotyping or gender bias. When you find out the sex of your baby, you put the baby into one category as a girl or a boy. This means that all the gifts you will get will be either boy or girl gifts, and people may start referring to the baby’s actions in a gendered language, such as a strong kick being a future soccer player or a future ballerina instead of just being a healthy and strong baby.
Not knowing the sex of your baby before it is born is also exciting because of the mystery aspect. It can be a special moment when you find out the sex of your baby and finally decide on the name. This can make labor more exciting, too.
On the other hand, knowing the sex of your baby can reduce stress. Some women cannot handle not knowing if they’re having a boy or girl, and stress can lead to high blood pressure and other issues. Finding out the sex of your baby also allows you to prepare ahead of time and decorate the nursery however you want. Finally, you may also feel a connection sooner. It can help the baby feel more real.
Ultimately, finding out the fetal sex of the baby is a personal choice. You may want to leave in a mystery to avoid gendered language and gifts during your pregnancy, or you may want to find out so you can reduce stress and prepare ahead of time for your bundle of joy. No matter what you choose, it is all about having a safe pregnancy and delivery.