What Can a Newborn Care Specialist Do for You?

If you’re an expecting mother or brand-new parent looking for a little help with your newborn, you might be thinking of hiring a nanny. A nanny can certainly help you care for your baby, but you might consider hiring a newborn care specialist for this special time.
What is a newborn care specialist?
A newborn care specialist (NCS) is a nanny with specialized training, education and experience that focuses on newborns. They may come from backgrounds as nurses or medical assistants, teachers, daycare providers, doulas, or early childhood development. Newborn care specialists help nurture and care for newborns, while supporting and educating parents at the same time.
How can a newborn care specialist help parents?
Newborn care specialists focus on assisting and guiding parents after they bring their baby home. They’ll typically arrive at the parents’ home at night, and will care for the baby while the parents take some much needed time to rest and sleep. Newborn care specialists might help feed the baby with mother or bottle, then put baby back to sleep.
In addition to overnight care, newborn care specialists help parents develop healthy sleeping, eating and care routines for their baby. This may be done by documenting the baby’s habits, as well as creating a schedule for each activity. They are a resource of knowledge and hands on experience with infants.
A newborn care specialist can provide gentle guidance for new parents on topics like:
- when and what to feed your newborn
- how to change diapers
- bathing
- preparing and cleaning bottles
- soothing a fussy baby
- breast feeding techniques
- sleep training methods
- organizing a nursery
She can answer the parents’ questions, and ease their concerns by providing advice or recommendations.
How can I learn more about newborn care specialists?
Maternal Instincts is happy to answer your questions! Our team of qualified newborn care specialists can help guide and support you through the postpartum period. Give us a call, or schedule a time for a short consultation over the phone!