When Should You Do a Pregnancy Announcement

With the invention of modern pregnancy tests, it’s possible to tell if you are pregnant after just five weeks. While you may tell your partner and your immediate family at this time, most people tend to wait a little longer before they announce the pregnancy.
Let’s talk about the best time to announce your pregnancy.
When should you announce your pregnancy
When it comes to telling people about your pregnancy, there is no right answer. However, there are many things that you want to consider before you start telling others. On average, people wait until around 12 weeks before they begin openly talking about their pregnancy.
Of course, you may want to tell some people a little earlier than 12 weeks. Close friends and family can be told whenever you want, but it is important to consider how you tell them. Some people prefer to be told in person, while others will not mind a phone call or text message.
If you are concerned about telling your employer about your pregnancy, there is no need to tell them unless you are having complications. Unless you have been told that it is unsafe, it is entirely possible to work while you are pregnant. You need to give your employer ten weeks’ notice if you plan to take parental leave.
Regardless of when you choose to tell your family that you’re pregnant, there’s always a possibility of miscarriage. There are benefits and consequences of revealing your pregnancy. For some people, the idea of telling people that you had a miscarriage can be devastating. On the other hand, if you tell people you’re pregnant and then you have a miscarriage, you have a support system to help you heal from your loss.
Ultimately, it is your decision when you want to tell others about your pregnancy, whether you choose to do it as early as possible or wait until a few weeks from the birth.